Dysautonomia tools
I’ve been having a flare up of my fatigue and pre-syncope associated with dysautonomia lately. It has caused me to evaluate what tools I have to improve my symptoms.
Though each thing on its own might not be the magic bullet, they might each give 10% improvement when stacked on each other can make the world of difference.
Graded recumbent exercise. Work with a specialized provider such as a physical therapist to figure out what exercise is best for you
Vagal toning: working with a specialized medical professional such as a mental health counselor or physical therapist can help switch your nervous system from sympathetic (fight or flight) to parasympathetic (rest and digest) . Some interventions are breath work, heart rate variability, gargling, and manual therapy.
Compression: compression socks and leggings can assist in blood return
Salt and hydration: Talk to your doctor how much is right for you based on your needs. Sip fluids rather than drinking large amounts all at once
Limit caffeine and alcohol intake
Medications: Take medications as directed by your physician
Temperature intolerance: Dress in layers for cold and be prepared with cooling towels in heat
Sit in the shower to avoid blood pooling from vasodilation and risk of syncope
Eat small meals more frequently to avoid large changes in blood volume from digestion and decrease GI issues.
Avoid standing still: perform gentle contraction such as ankle pumps when stuck in line or in a large crowd to avoid blood pooling